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S'han trobat 161 ítems
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
8 març 2017 |
Tools for 3D point cloud registration |
Roure Garcia, Ferran
12 juny 2018 |
Tracing the creation and evaluation of accessible Open Educational Resources through learning analytics |
Ávila Garzón, Cecilia
10 febrer 2023 |
Underwater 3d sensing using structured light: development of an underwater laser scanner and a non-rigid point cloud registration method |
Castillón Sánchez, Miguel
25 març 2021 |
Underwater image-based 3D reconstruction with quality estimation |
Istenič, Klemen
17 octubre 2018 |
Underwater navigation and mapping with an omnidirecional optical sensor |
Bosch Alay, Josep
29 setembre 2008 |
Underwater slam for estructured environments using and imaging sonar |
Ribas Romagós, David
29 setembre 2008 |
Underwater slam for estructured environments using and imaging sonar |
Ribas Romagós, David
Underwater slam for estructured environments using and imaging sonar |
Ribas Romagós, David
12 setembre 2017 |
Validation of availability and policy based management for programmable networks |
Maldonado López, Ferney A.
24 juliol 2015 |
Web-based application for medical imaging management |
Mata Miquel, Christian
15 maig 2019 |
Word-processing-based routing for Cayley graphs |
Aguirre Guerrero, Daniela